Reverse Engineering

Three Types of Reverse Engineering Technic

As-Built Technique: In the as-built approach, we make sketches from the cross-sections that will be…

3D Scanning and  Reverse engineering Deliverables & Their use cases

The deliverables of 3D scanning and reverse engineering  can vary depending on the project's requirements…

Unique Key features of Freescan Combo

Introduction: The Freescan Combo 3D scanner is an extraordinary device that combines the utmost metrology-grade…

 Exploring Four Different 3D Scanning Modes in Freescan Combo

Introduction:Freescan Combo is an advanced 3D scanner that offers a range of scanning modes, each…

Geomagic software in India 2023

Why should you consider Precise3DM for buying Geomagic software 2023 in India?Precise3DM is India's leading…

How Do We Choose the Right 3D Scanners for a Reverse Engineering Project ?

Choosing the right 3D scanner for the project can be a complex process, but Precise3DM…

How 3D scanning and Reverse Engineering Being Used in Different Industries?

3D reverse engineering is the process of creating a digital model of an existing physical…

Difference between Nurbs surface and Parametric surface in 3D Reverse Engineering

 3D Reverse engineering is the process of reconstructing an object or component from existing physical…